https://www.emachinebank.com/custom_101340.html 美國性感女演員瑪麗蓮夢露44個經典英文語錄名言 美國性感女演員瑪麗蓮夢露44個經典英文語錄名言 英文很簡單-背熟名人說過的話!美國性感女演員瑪麗蓮夢露44個經典英文語錄名言 瑪麗蓮·夢露(Marilyn Monroe,1926年6月1日—1962年8月5日),生在加利福尼亞州洛杉磯市,美國女演員。1946年7月19日,瑪麗蓮·夢露第一次到20世紀福克斯,開始出演電影。1949年,夢露參與拍攝影片《夜闌人未靜》。1950年,夢露出演了《火球》和《彗星美人》。1952年5月7日,夢露首次成為《生活》雜誌的封面人物,並于同年10月4日成為影片《如何嫁給一個百萬富翁》一片的女主角。1960年,夢露憑藉《熱情似火》獲得金球獎音樂及喜劇類最佳女演員。1962年5月19日,夢露在麥迪森公園廣場上為約翰·甘迺迪總統演唱《生日快樂歌》。1962年8月5日,夢露在洛杉磯布萊登木寓所的臥室內被發現去世,終年36歲。1999年,被美國電影學會評選為“百年來最偉大的女演員”第6名。 1、We should live a good life before we get old. Fear of how stupid, regret is also very silly.在我們老去之前要好好活上一把。害怕多笨啊,悔恨也很傻。2、Under the make-up and smile, I’m just a little girl in the world.濃妝豔抹之下,笑容的背後,我只是一個眺望世界的小女孩。3、A man who betrays his wife is a perfect lover.一個背叛自己妻子的丈夫大多是個完美的情人。4、I don’t know who invented the high heels, but the girls all over the world should thank him for it.我不知道是誰發明高跟鞋,但全世界的女生都應該感謝他。5、If I were a stickler, I would be nothing at the moment.如果我是一個循規蹈矩的人,那此刻我將會是一事無成。6、Hollywood makes a girl’s character worth less than her hair.好萊塢讓女孩的品德比頭髮造型還不值錢。7、I never fool anyone, I just let them deceive themselves! They don’t really care about the real me, instead, they just fall in love with a fantasy out of their Monroe Marilyn.我從來不愚弄別人,我只是讓他們自己哄騙自己!他們根本不在意真實的我,相反的,他們只是愛上一個他們幻想出來的瑪麗蓮夢露。8、I make mistake, I’m mistakes, I’m out of control and times hard to handle.我會犯錯,也常會在狀況外而難以控制。9、I am selfish, impatient, and lack of security. I will do something wrong, temper, sometimes very difficult, but if you can’t contain my worst side, then you don’t deserve to have my best side.我自私、沒有耐心、缺乏安全感。我會做錯事、發脾氣、有時還很難纏,但如果你不能包容我最差的一面,那麼你也不配擁有我最好的一面。10、Fear is stupid, so it’s a pity.恐懼是愚蠢的,所以是種遺憾。11、I’ve never been bitten by a dog but a man.我不曾被狗咬,咬我的都是人。12、With a pair of shoes, a girl can control the world.擁有一雙合適的鞋子,女孩就可以駕馭這世界。13、I never thought I would be a first-rate actress, I know where the strength, I am not natural. But, God! I was so eager to learn, so want to change, so the pursuit of progress.我沒有想過我會是個一流的女演員,我知道自己的實力在哪,我並不是天生好手。但,天啊!我是如此渴望學習,如此想要改變,如此追求進步。14、The censor’s problem is, why are they going to pay attention to whether the girl has cleavage? They should be worried about a girl with no cleavage!電影審查員的問題出在於,他們為什麼要去注意女孩是否有露出乳溝呢?他們應該要擔心一個女孩有沒有乳溝吧!15、I am not interested in money. I just want to shine.我對錢不感興趣,我只是希望光芒四射。16、There is a person, you only need to get along with him is enough! You can not have any contact, do not even need words, a sense of communication between, enough to make you feel the warmth of happiness.有某個人,你只需要跟他相處就夠了!你可以不用有任何接觸,甚至不需要言語,一種之間的感應交流,就足夠讓你感受到暖暖的幸福。17、The girls will be their own limits, but a wise girl knows no limit.女孩將自己設限,但聰明的女孩知道自己沒有極限。18、Have you ever noticed that the ” Let it go” is always the right answer?有沒有注意到“管它呢”怎麼永遠是正確的回答?19、Some people are very unfriendly. When I say I want to be an actor, they only care about my body; when I want to learn the craft, they sniff at! These people do not hold any hope for my serious attitude.有些人是非常不友善的。當我說要成為演員時,他們只在乎我的身材;當我想要學習手藝時,他們嗤之以鼻!這些人對於我的認真態度不抱持任何期望。20、I belong to the crowd, I belong to the world, not because of my beauty, is not because of my talent, but because I never belong to anyone and never really has me!我屬於人群,我屬於世界,不是因為我的姿色,也不是因為我的才華,而是因為我從來不屬於任何人,從來沒有人真正擁有我!21、People like the eyes stared at me as if I were a mirror like; they don’t really see the real me, but to see their own inner obscene side, but people will in turn said I flirtatious sensuality.人們喜歡目不轉睛的盯著我看,就像我是一面鏡子般;他們其實看不見真正的我,反而看到自己內心淫穢的一面,但人們又會反過來說我輕浮淫蕩。22、Every little girl should be praised as an angel, even if it is a lie.每個小女孩都該被稱讚是漂亮的天使,即使是用謊言。23、I’m a real woman, and enjoy it.我是個十足的女人,並且享受其中。24、The clothes are tight enough to show you are a woman, loose to show you are a lady.衣服緊要緊到突顯你是個女人,鬆要鬆到突顯出你是個淑女。25、Sex is part of nature, and I obey nature.性是天性的一部分,而我服從天性。26、Even though the world recognizes you as sexy, it’s better than being anonymous.縱使世界對你的認識與性感上等號,但總比默默無名來得好。27、Men are foolish enough to think that a woman’s past love will pour out their longing for the emotional world! But, a woman to love the man, still can bring a great love.男人愚蠢地認為女人過去的愛情會澆熄她們對感情世界的渴望!但,女人對真心喜愛的男人,依舊可以帶來一段轟轟烈烈的愛情。28、I don’t mind living in a patriarchal society, as long as I can be a woman.我並不介意活在一個男權社會,只要我可以作為一個女人存在其中。29、I’m not a money making machine, I just want to make myself more perfect.我並不是賺錢機器,我只是想要讓自己更完美。30、I learned early that the best way to stay out of trouble was not to complain and ask for anything.我很早就懂得遠離麻煩的最好方式是不抱怨和索求任何。31、If you can make a girl laugh from the bottom of heart, then you already have her.如果你能讓女孩發自內心的開懷大笑,那你就已經擁有她了。32、The girl pursuing gender equality is only a lack of ambition.追求男女平等的女生,只不過是個缺乏抱負的女生。33、Smart girl kiss but don’t give a heart, listen to but don’t put in the heart, left before she left.聰明的女孩接吻卻不付出真心,聆聽卻不放在心上,離開在她動身之前。34、If life is hell, then all the problems are not all have the answer.如果生活是地獄,那一切的難題是不是都有了答案。35、A successful career is great, but it can not sleep with you.有成功的事業是很棒,但成功的事業無法與你長夜伴枕。36、Men are willing to spend a lot of money to buy me a kiss, but no one is willing to spend fifty cents to understand my soul.男人願意花大錢買我一個吻,卻沒人願意花五十美分瞭解我的靈魂。37、I am a calendar, but never on time.我是個日曆,但從來不曾準時。38、Who says I don’t have anything to wear? Don’t I just wear a radio!誰說我什麼都沒穿?我不就穿著一台收音機嗎!39、I enjoyed standing quietly at the party, watching the movie I liked, and the crowd gradually dispersed.我享受安靜地站在派對裡,看著我喜歡的電影謝幕,人潮漸漸散去。40、She is a girl who knows how to make her happy in sorrow! And this is very important.她是一個知道如何讓自己在悲傷中快樂的女孩!而這件事很重要。41、Why don’t a woman make her own world, and hope the man to build it for her?一個女人為何不自己打造自己的世界,而希望男人為她建立呢?42、Every one of us is a shining star, and we are all supposed to shine for ourselves.我們每一個人都是閃耀的星,而我們都該為自己發光。43、Imperfect is a kind of beauty, madness is a kind of talent, does not depend on the total score better than boring extremely.不完美是一種美,瘋狂是一種天分,不靠譜總好過無聊至極。44、Boys think girls are the book, if the cover is not a way to attract attention, they do not even want to turn over.男孩認為女孩是本書,如果封面沒辦法吸引目光,他們根本連翻都不想翻。
https://www.emachinebank.com/custom_101339.html 英國笑將卓別林 英國笑將卓別林 人生無法重來, 活在當下!英國笑將卓別林 Today is Charlie Chaplin's 125th birthday -A Good Day to Recollect his 3 Heart TouchingStatements: 今天是英國笑將卓別林125歲冥誕---勾起人們想起他動人心弦的3句話: (1) Nothing is Permanent in this World, not even our Troubles.世事無常,甚至我們的困境也是不常在。 (2) I like Walking in the Rain, because nobody can see my Tears.我喜歡在雨中行走,因為沒有人會看到我的淚水。 (3) The Most Wasted Day in Life is the Day in which we have not Laughed.人生最浪費的日子,就是我們沒有笑的時候。 (4) LIFE is to Enjoy with Whatever you have with You, Keep Smiling...!人生就是享受您擁有的一切,並保持笑容!(5) If you feel STRESSED, Give yourself A Break.感覺有壓力,就讓自己休息。 (6) Enjoy Some Ice-cream/ Chocolates / Candy/ Cake...享受一些--冰淇淋/巧克力/糖果/蛋糕等等。Why...?為什麼?B'Coz...因為:STRESSED backwards spelling is DESSERTS...!! Enjoy...!壓力,英文倒過來拼就是點心!! 享受罷!Very Beautiful lines. Please Store it.非常美麗的小品,務請收存。 (7) ONE Good FRIEND is equal to ONE Good Medicine...!Likewise ONE Good Group is equal to ONE Full medical store...!!一個好朋友等同一劑良藥! 同理,一個好的群組等同一整間藥房!Six Best Doctors in the World....世上有6個良醫: 1.Sunlight陽光,2.Rest休息,3.Exercise運動,4.Diet飲食,5.Self Confidence 自信&6.Friends朋友.Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life...!終其一生時時刻刻擁抱他們,享受健康的人生!   (8) If you see the Moon...You see the Beauty of God.....!If you see the Sun...!You see the power of God....And....If you see the Mirror,You see the Best Creation of GOD...!So,Believe in YOURSELF. We all are Tourists & God is our Travel AgentWho has already fixed all our Routes, Reservations & DestinationsSo....Trust him & Enjoy the "Trip" called LIFE...!!Life will never come Again.!! Live Today..!人生無法重來! 活在當下! I share this to all People who are Important to me..!!為什麼散戶不會贏? (乾坤大挪移投資心法)工具機關鍵連結:車床 , 普通車床 , 高速精密車床 , 六角車床 , 自動車床 , 其他車床 , CNC車床 , 斜床式CNC車床 , CNC立式車床 , CNC雙端同時加工車床 , CNC車床,4軸式(7軸式) , CNC車銑複合機 , 高速高精密雙主軸雙刀塔車削中心機 ,CNC切角車床 , CNC五軸切削中心機 , CNC自動車床 , 教導式電腦車床 , 櫛式電腦車床 , 雙主軸CNC車床 , CNC 多邊成型切角車削複合機 , 車削中心機 , CNC銑床 , CNC立式銑床 , 綜合加工機 , CNC 立式綜合加工機 , CNC 臥式加工中心機 , 龍門型立式綜合加工機 , 高速龍門加工機 , 加工中心機(橫樑移動式或動柱式) , 五面加工機 , 五面加工機,門型